Itse valitsin pääteemaksi Afrikan, josta lähden aluksi liikkeelle. Lisäksi minulla on teemoina moderni arkkitehtuuri/muotoilu sekä historia/vanhat valokuvat, eli tosiaan ei tarvinnut niin paljoa takertua tuohon otsikkoon. Nyt vaan pitäisi lähteä liikkeelle hyödyntäen Pinterestiä, kirjoja, nettiä yms. ja piirtää sata kuvio luonnosta! Jaiks, tuossa onkin hieman haastetta. Ainakin mulle, koska en tykkää esitellä keskeneräisiä piirrustuksia tai muitakaan tuotoksia. Nooh, mulla on aikaa ensi viikon keskiviikkoon asti, eli ei muuta kuin inspiroitumaan!
On Wednesday began graphic expressions first course, where we are making a product using water jet cutting method (more info here). We are looking for inspiration on our own interests. On Wednesday we pondered in groups where we could get inspiration by making mind maps titled "cultures on a mirror". We didn't get stuck to the title too much.. So we found many different candidates. Finally each group member had to chose three themes which inspired to continue the task ahead.
I chose Africa as my main theme, where I'm getting started at. I also have minor themes: modern architecture/design, and history/old photographs, so we really did not need to get caught to the title. Now I just need to go get under my way with using Pinterest, books, internet etc. and draw one hundred pattern draft! Yikes, there's a bit of a challenge. At least for me because I don't like to present unfinished drawings nor other outputs. Well, at least I have time for the next week Wednesday, so let's get inspired!
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